Notable Prizes in Lottery

Notable Prizes in Lottery

There are so many lotteries to choose from. Today’s discussion is on the National Lottery. Below are 10 fun facts about the National Lottery that most do not know about. 1) The average lottery winner(90%) will buy about 5 new cars for either family and friends...
Lottery in Medieval Times

Lottery in Medieval Times

It is everyone’s dream to win the lottery and be in the lap of luxury for the rest of their lives! You may think that the lottery is relatively recent. What you may not have known is that the lottery dates back to hundreds of years. The lottery can be traced...
The background of La Primitiva Lottery

The background of La Primitiva Lottery

La Primitiva Lottery History Dating back to 1763, the La Primitiva lottery is Spain’s oldest and most well-known lottery. It was established by Spain’s Minister of Tax at the time of Carlos the IIIs reign. While originally created to acquire more...
The National Lottery of the United Kingdom

The National Lottery of the United Kingdom

The National Lottery is the national lottery of the United Kingdom. In 1694, the Million Lottery was used to raise funds for the country. The Malt Lottery in 1697 also raised funds for the country. These lotteries created the base for the formation of the Bank of...
The Probability of Winning a Lottery and Other Tips

The Probability of Winning a Lottery and Other Tips

We’ve all fantasized about winning the lottery and the things we’d do with all the money. Perhaps you’d blow it on a fancy car and a big house or maybe you’d find ways to spread the wealth amongst loved ones — yes even those long lost cousins. While most of us...